Two scientific papers co-authored by members of LARICS have been accepted for publication at ICUAS'24 by ICUAS Association, Inc. in Chania, Crete!
Accepted Articles:
1. Towards Instance Segmentation Based Litter Collection with Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicle, co-authored with Filip Zoric, Antonio Franchi, Matko Orsag, Zdenko Kovacic, and Chiara Gabellieri. This work introduces autonomous floating litter collection with a multi-rotor vehicle in a laboratory environment. [video:]
2. AI Enhanced Structure Health Monitoring (SHM) with Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicle, co-authored with Filip Zorić, Ana Milas, Tamara Petrović, Zdenko Kovacic, and Matko Orsag. The paper showcases the utilization of instance segmentation to detect concrete cracks and localize them on a global map, further underscoring the potential of MRAVs for autonomous structural health monitoring.