1. Matko Orsag; Christopher Korpela; Stjepan Bogdan; Paul Oh.
Aerial Manipulation
Cham, Switzerland : Springer International Publishing, 2017 (monograph).
1. Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Influence of Forward and Descent Flight on Quadrotor Dynamics // Recent Advances in Aircraft Technology / Agarwal, Ramesh, editor(s)
Rijeka : InTech, 2012. Str. 141-156.
Journal articles and review articles in CC journals
1. Haus, Tomislav; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Mathematical Modelling and Control of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Moving Mass Control Concept. // Journal of intelligent & robotic systems. 88 (2017) , 2/4; 219-246 (journal article).
2. Haus, Tomislav; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Visual Target Localization with the Spincopter. // Journal of intelligent & robotic systems. 74 (2014) , 1/2; 45-47 (journal article).
3. Korpela, Christopher; Orsag, Matko; Oh, Paul.
Hardware-in-the-Loop Verification for Mobile Manipulating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. // Journal of intelligent & robotic systems. 73 (2014) , 1/4; 725-736 (journal article).
4. Orsag, Matko; Korpela, Christopher; Bogdan, Stjepan; Oh, Paul.
Hybrid Adaptive Control for Aerial Manipulation. // Journal of intelligent & robotic systems. 73 (2014) , 1/4; 693-707 (journal article).
5. Orsag, Matko; Ćesić, Josip; Haus, Tomislav; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Spincopter Wing Design and Flight Control. // Journal of intelligent & robotic systems. 70 (2013) , 1/4; 165-179 (journal article).
6. Orsag, Matko; Korpela, Christopher; Oh, Paul.
Modeling and Control of MM-UAV: Mobile Manipulating Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. // Journal of intelligent & robotic systems. 69 (2012) , 1/4; 227-240 (journal article).
- Papers accepted for publication in the CC journals
1. Orsag, Matko; Korpela, Christopher; Bogdan, Stjepan; Oh, Paul.
Dexterous Aerial Robots—Mobile Manipulation Using Unmanned Aerial Systems. // IEEE transactions on robotics. (2017) (accepted for publication).
- Other papers in CC journals
1. Arbanas, Barbara; Ivanovic, Antun; Car, Marko; Orsag, Matko; Petrovic, Tamara; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Decentralized planning and control for UAV–UGV cooperative teams. // Autonomous robots. Online (2018) , First; 1-18 (journal article).
- Scientific papers in other journals
1. Orsag, Matko; Poropat, Marina: Bogdan, Stjepan.
Hybrid fly-by-wire quadrotor controller. // Automatika : časopis za automatiku, mjerenje, elektroniku, računarstvo i komunikacije. 51 (2010) ; 19-32 (journal article).
- Scientific conference papers with international peer-review
1. Haus, Tomislav; Car, Marko; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Identification results of an internal combustion engine as a quadrotor propulsion system // 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2017).
IEEE, 2017. 713-718 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
2. Haus, Tomislav; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
A concept of a non-tilting multirotor-UAV based on moving mass control // 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS 2017).
IEEE, 2017. 1618-1624 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
3. Arbanas, Barbara; Ivanović, Antun; Car, Marko; Haus, Tomislav; Orsag, Matko; Petrović, Tamara; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Aerial-ground robotic system for autonomous delivery tasks // 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
IEEE, 2016. 5463-5468 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
4. Haus, Tomislav; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Design considerations for a large quadrotor with moving mass control // 2016 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS).
IEEE, 2016. 1327-1334 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
5. Haus, Tomislav; Prkut, Nikola; Borovina, Katarina; Marić, Bruno; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
A novel concept of attitude control for large multirotor-UAVs based on moving mass control // 2016 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED).
IEEE, 2016. 832-839 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
6. Orsag, Matko; Haus, Tomislav; Tolić, Domagoj; Ivanović, Antun; Car, Marko; Palunko, Ivana; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Human-in-the-loop Control of Multi-agent Aerial Systems // Proc. of 2016 European Control Conference.
2016. 2139-2145 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
7. Orsag, Matko; Haus, Tomislav; Palunko, Ivana; Bogdan, Stjepan.
State estimation, robust control and obstacle avoidance for multicopter in cluttered environments: EuRoC experience and results // International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) 2015.
2015. 455-461 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
8. Petrović, Tamara; Haus, Tomislav; Arbanas, Barbara; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Can UAV and UGV Be Best Buddies? Towards Heterogeneous Aerial-ground Cooperative Robot System for Complex Aerial Manipulation Tasks // Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2015).
2015. 238-245 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
9. Korpela, Christopher; Orsag, Matko; Danko, Todd; Oh, Paul.
Insertion Tasks using an Aerial Manipulator // 2014 IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TePRA.
2014. 1-6 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
10. Korpela, Christopher; Orsag, Matko; Oh, Paul.
Towards valve turning using a dual-arm aerial manipulator // 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2014).
2014. 3411-3416 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
11. Mišković, Nikola; Bogdan, Stjepan; Nađ, Đula; Mandić, Filip; Orsag, Matko; Haus, Tomislav.
Unmanned marsupial sea-air system for object recovery // Proceedings of the 22nd Mediterranean Conference of Control and Automation (MED).
IEEE, 2014. 740-745 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
12. Orsag, Matko; Korpela, Christpher; Oh, Paul.
Valve turning using a dual-arm aerial manipulator // International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2014.
2014. 836-841 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
13. Orsag, Matko; Kovačić, Zdenko; Flegarić, Stjepan; Brkić, Kristijan; Balać, Boris.
RJET – 111: Autonomous Mobile Robot for Water Intake Channel Maintenance in Power Plant Cooling Systems // 23rd Internationak Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe.
2014. 1013.1-1013.7 (poster,international peer-review,published,scientific).
14. Korpela, Christopher; Orsag, Matko; Pekala, Miles; Oh, Paul.
Dynamic Stability of a Mobile Manipulating Unmanned Aerial Vehicle // Proc. of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
(lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
15. Haus, Tomislav; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Omnidirectional Vision based Surveillance with Spincopter // The 2013 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
2013. 326-332 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
16. Korpela, Christopher; Orsag, Matko; Brahmbhatt, Paresh; Oh, Paul.
Towards the Realization of Mobile Manipulating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (MM-UAV): Peg-in-hole Insertion Tasks // Proc. of International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TePRA).
(lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
17. Korpela, Christopher; Orsag, Matko; Jun, Youngbum; Brahmbhatt, Pareshkumar; Oh, Paul.
A Hardware-in-the-loop Test Rig for Aerial Manipulation // The 2013 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
2013. 982-987 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
18. Mutka, Alan; Orsag, Matko; Kovačić, Zdenko.
Stabilizing a Quadruped Robot Locomotion Using a Two Degree of Freedom Tail // Proceedings of 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation.
2013. 1336-1342 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
19. Orsag, Matko; Korpela, Christopher; Bogdan, Stjepan; Oh, Paul.
Lyapunov based Model Reference Adaptive Control for Aerial Manipulation // Proc of 2013 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
2013. 966-973 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
20. Orsag, Matko; Korpela, Christopher; Pekala, Miles; Oh, Paul.
Stability control in aerial manipulation // In Proc. of American Control Conference (ACC), 2013.
IEEE, 2013. 5581-5586 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
21. Orsag, Matko; Korpela, Christopher; Oh, Paul.
Modeling and Control of MM-UAV: Mobile Manipulating Unmanned Aerial Vehicle // Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'12) , Jun, 2012.
(international peer-review,published,scientific).
22. Korpela, Christopher; Orsag, Matko; Danko, Todd; Kobe, B.; McNeil, C.; Pisch, R.; Oh, Paul.
Flight stability in aerial redundant manipulators // Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference of Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
3529-3530 (international peer-review,published,scientific).
23. Ćesić, Josip; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Spincopter wing design and flight control // Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'12) , Jun, 2012.
Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2012. (international peer-review,published,scientific).
24. Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan; Haus, Tomislav; Bunic, Marko; Krnjak, Antonio.
Modeling, Simulation and Control of Spincopter // Proc. of International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
2011. 2998-3003 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
25. Kovačić, Zdenko; Balać, Borislav; Flegarić, Stjepan; Brkić, Kristijan; Orsag, Matko.
Light-weight Mobile Robot for Hydrodynamic Treatment of Concrete and Metal Surfaces // Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry CARPI 2010.
IEEE, 2010. (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
26. Orsag, Matko; Poropat, Marina; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Hybrid fly-by-wire quadrotor controller // Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics.
2010. 202-207 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
27. Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Hybrid Control of Quadrotor // Proc. of MED 2009.
2009. 1239-1244 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).
- Other refereed conference papers
1. Orsag, Matko; Kovačić, Zdenko; Flegarić, Stjepan; Brkić, Kristijan; Balać, Boris; Ante, Mamić.
Autonomous Mobile Robots For Deep And Shallow Hydrodynamic Treatment Of Concrete And Metal Surfaces // .
2014. 1012.1-1012.6 (poster,international peer-review,published).
2. Orsag, Matko; Varga, Maja; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Quadrotor control based on AHRS system // .
(lecture,domestic peer-review,published).
1. Balać, Borislav; Flegarić, Stjepan; Brkić, Kristijan; Orsag, Matko; Kovačić, Zdenko.
Autonomous robots for hydrodynamic treatment of concrete and metal surfaces - series R Jet - 06 // Innovations MIPRO-INOVA / Radić, Goran, editor(s).
Rijeka : MIPRO, 2012. 19-23 (lecture,ppt presentation,expert).
1. Orsag, Matko.
Hybrid control of quadrotor / pre-Bologna graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 10.07. 2008, 50 pages. Mentor: Bogdan, Stjepan.
1. Varga, Maja; Orsag, Matko; Dogan, Mario.
Quadrotor control based on AHRS, 2007.
1. Juričan, Fran.
Path Planning for Multiple Degrees of Freedom Robots Aimed for Tasks of Painting / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 12.07. 2018, 47 pages. Mentor: Kovačić, Zdenko.
2. Kulaš, Matko.
Drawing on board with hybrid force control and trajectory with jerk control / graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 21.02. 2018, 50 pages. Mentor: Kovačić, Zdenko.
3. Oštrić, Toni.
ROS-based Control of Robot Joints via CAN Bus / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 07.07. 2017, 26 pages. Mentor: Kovačić, Zdenko.
4. Katarina Borovina.
Multirotor UAV moving mass controller / graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 04.03. 2016, 94 pages. Mentor: STJEPAN BOGDAN.
5. Bruno Marić.
Multirotor aerial vehicle control based on changable rotational planes / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 06.07. 2015., 71 pages. Mentor: Stjepan Bogdan.
6. Nikola Prkut.
Mathematical model of multirotor UAV with changeable centre of mass / graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 13.07 2015, 66 pages. Mentor: STJEPAN BOGDAN.
7. Antun Ivanović.
Kinect based UAV control / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
ZAGREB : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 09.07. 2013, 27 pages. Mentor: STJEPAN BOGDAN.
8. Marko Car.
Voice control of UAV / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
ZAGREB : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 09.07. 2013, 25 pages. Mentor: STJEPAN BOGDAN.
9. Tomislav Haus.
Implementation of Spincopter flight control algorithms / pre-Bologna graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet Elektrotehnike i Računarstva, 10.07. 2012, 75 pages. Mentor: Bogdan, Stjepan.
10. Ćesić, Josip.
Analysis of aerodynamics and control of spincopter / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i racunarstva, 27.06. 2011, 50 pages. Mentor: Stjepan Bogdan.
11. Goricanec, Jurica.
Software application for control of spincopter / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 27.06. 2011, 50 pages. Mentor: Bogdan, Stjepan.
12. Bunic, Marko.
Plug-in module for Matlab support of X-Plane / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i racunarstva, 16.07. 2010, 50 pages. Mentor: Stjepan Bogdan.
13. Haus, Tomislav.
Modeling of gyro-like aircraft in X-Plane / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i racunarstva, 16.07. 2010, 50 pages. Mentor: Stjepan Bogdan.
14. Krnjak, Antonio.
Autopilot design and plug-in development for X-Plane / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i racunarstva, 16.07. 2010, 50 pages. Mentor: Stjepan Bogdan.
15. Namlić, Dijana.
LQR conntrol of RC blimp / graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i racunarstva, 14.07. 2010, 50 pages. Mentor: Bogdan, Stjepan.
16. Fućek, Ivan.
UAV 3D localization based on 2D image / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i racunarstva, 17.07. 2009, 50 pages. Mentor: Bogdan, Stjepan.
17. Poropat, Marina.
LQR control of quadrotor / pre-Bologna graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i racunarstva, 20.10. 2009, 50 pages. Mentor: Bogdan, Stjepan.
18. Namlić, Dijana.
Nonlinear mathematical model of Zeppelin type blimp / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 11.07. 2008., 40 pages. Mentor: Bogdan, Stjepan.