Matko Orsag, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Office: C-09-06
Telephone: + 385 1 6129-809

Matko Orsag is an associate professor at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (UNIZG-FER). He has contributed as a researcher to various government- and industry-funded projects. During 2011/2012, he was a visiting researcher at Drexel University in Philadelphia, USA, through the prestigious Fulbright exchange program.

He actively participates in both national and international research projects in the fields of robotics, control systems, and automation. Dr. Orsag has co-authored over 60 scientific and professional papers in journals and conferences, as well as a book chapter and a monograph in the area of aerial robotics.

In addition to his research, he serves as a reviewer for numerous journals and conferences and holds editorial roles, including guest editor positions in journals such as Automatika and JINT. In 2019, he received the Croatian Academy of Engineering Young Scientist Award “Vera Johanides,” and in 2021, he was honored with the Croatian National Award for Science.

Teaching duties

University undergraduate

University graduate

Bibliography (CROSBI)

  • Author's books

1. Matko Orsag; Christopher Korpela; Stjepan Bogdan; Paul Oh.
Aerial Manipulation
Cham, Switzerland : Springer International Publishing, 2017 (monograph).

  • Book chapters

1. Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Influence of Forward and Descent Flight on Quadrotor Dynamics // Recent Advances in Aircraft Technology / Agarwal, Ramesh, editor(s)
Rijeka : InTech, 2012. Str. 141-156.
Journal articles and review articles in CC journals
1. Haus, Tomislav; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Mathematical Modelling and Control of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Moving Mass Control Concept. // Journal of intelligent & robotic systems. 88 (2017) , 2/4; 219-246 (journal article).

2. Haus, Tomislav; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Visual Target Localization with the Spincopter. // Journal of intelligent & robotic systems. 74 (2014) , 1/2; 45-47 (journal article).

3. Korpela, Christopher; Orsag, Matko; Oh, Paul.
Hardware-in-the-Loop Verification for Mobile Manipulating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. // Journal of intelligent & robotic systems. 73 (2014) , 1/4; 725-736 (journal article).

4. Orsag, Matko; Korpela, Christopher; Bogdan, Stjepan; Oh, Paul.
Hybrid Adaptive Control for Aerial Manipulation. // Journal of intelligent & robotic systems. 73 (2014) , 1/4; 693-707 (journal article).

5. Orsag, Matko; Ćesić, Josip; Haus, Tomislav; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Spincopter Wing Design and Flight Control. // Journal of intelligent & robotic systems. 70 (2013) , 1/4; 165-179 (journal article).

6. Orsag, Matko; Korpela, Christopher; Oh, Paul.
Modeling and Control of MM-UAV: Mobile Manipulating Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. // Journal of intelligent & robotic systems. 69 (2012) , 1/4; 227-240 (journal article).

  • Papers accepted for publication in the CC  journals

1. Orsag, Matko; Korpela, Christopher; Bogdan, Stjepan; Oh, Paul.
Dexterous Aerial Robots—Mobile Manipulation Using Unmanned Aerial Systems. // IEEE transactions on robotics. (2017) (accepted for publication).

  • Other papers in CC journals

1. Arbanas, Barbara; Ivanovic, Antun; Car, Marko; Orsag, Matko; Petrovic, Tamara; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Decentralized planning and control for UAV–UGV cooperative teams. // Autonomous robots. Online (2018) , First; 1-18 (journal article).

  • Scientific papers in other journals

1. Orsag, Matko; Poropat, Marina: Bogdan, Stjepan.
Hybrid fly-by-wire quadrotor controller. // Automatika : časopis za automatiku, mjerenje, elektroniku, računarstvo i komunikacije. 51 (2010) ; 19-32 (journal article).

  •  Scientific conference papers with international peer-review

1. Haus, Tomislav; Car, Marko; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Identification results of an internal combustion engine as a quadrotor propulsion system // 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2017).
IEEE, 2017. 713-718 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

2. Haus, Tomislav; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
A concept of a non-tilting multirotor-UAV based on moving mass control // 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS 2017).
IEEE, 2017. 1618-1624 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

3. Arbanas, Barbara; Ivanović, Antun; Car, Marko; Haus, Tomislav; Orsag, Matko; Petrović, Tamara; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Aerial-ground robotic system for autonomous delivery tasks // 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
IEEE, 2016. 5463-5468 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

4. Haus, Tomislav; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Design considerations for a large quadrotor with moving mass control // 2016 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS).
IEEE, 2016. 1327-1334 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

5. Haus, Tomislav; Prkut, Nikola; Borovina, Katarina; Marić, Bruno; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
A novel concept of attitude control for large multirotor-UAVs based on moving mass control // 2016 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED).
IEEE, 2016. 832-839 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

6. Orsag, Matko; Haus, Tomislav; Tolić, Domagoj; Ivanović, Antun; Car, Marko; Palunko, Ivana; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Human-in-the-loop Control of Multi-agent Aerial Systems // Proc. of 2016 European Control Conference.
2016. 2139-2145 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

7. Orsag, Matko; Haus, Tomislav; Palunko, Ivana; Bogdan, Stjepan.
State estimation, robust control and obstacle avoidance for multicopter in cluttered environments: EuRoC experience and results // International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) 2015.
2015. 455-461 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

8. Petrović, Tamara; Haus, Tomislav; Arbanas, Barbara; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Can UAV and UGV Be Best Buddies? Towards Heterogeneous Aerial-ground Cooperative Robot System for Complex Aerial Manipulation Tasks // Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2015).
2015. 238-245 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

9. Korpela, Christopher; Orsag, Matko; Danko, Todd; Oh, Paul.
Insertion Tasks using an Aerial Manipulator // 2014 IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TePRA.
2014. 1-6 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

10. Korpela, Christopher; Orsag, Matko; Oh, Paul.
Towards valve turning using a dual-arm aerial manipulator // 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2014).
2014. 3411-3416 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

11. Mišković, Nikola; Bogdan, Stjepan; Nađ, Đula; Mandić, Filip; Orsag, Matko; Haus, Tomislav.
Unmanned marsupial sea-air system for object recovery // Proceedings of the 22nd Mediterranean Conference of Control and Automation (MED).
IEEE, 2014. 740-745 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

12. Orsag, Matko; Korpela, Christpher; Oh, Paul.
Valve turning using a dual-arm aerial manipulator // International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2014.
2014. 836-841 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

13. Orsag, Matko; Kovačić, Zdenko; Flegarić, Stjepan; Brkić, Kristijan; Balać, Boris.
RJET – 111: Autonomous Mobile Robot for Water Intake Channel Maintenance in Power Plant Cooling Systems // 23rd Internationak Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe.
2014. 1013.1-1013.7 (poster,international peer-review,published,scientific).

14. Korpela, Christopher; Orsag, Matko; Pekala, Miles; Oh, Paul.
Dynamic Stability of a Mobile Manipulating Unmanned Aerial Vehicle // Proc. of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
(lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

15. Haus, Tomislav; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Omnidirectional Vision based Surveillance with Spincopter // The 2013 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
2013. 326-332 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

16. Korpela, Christopher; Orsag, Matko; Brahmbhatt, Paresh; Oh, Paul.
Towards the Realization of Mobile Manipulating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (MM-UAV): Peg-in-hole Insertion Tasks // Proc. of International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TePRA).
(lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

17. Korpela, Christopher; Orsag, Matko; Jun, Youngbum; Brahmbhatt, Pareshkumar; Oh, Paul.
A Hardware-in-the-loop Test Rig for Aerial Manipulation // The 2013 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
2013. 982-987 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

18. Mutka, Alan; Orsag, Matko; Kovačić, Zdenko.
Stabilizing a Quadruped Robot Locomotion Using a Two Degree of Freedom Tail // Proceedings of 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation.
2013. 1336-1342 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

19. Orsag, Matko; Korpela, Christopher; Bogdan, Stjepan; Oh, Paul.
Lyapunov based Model Reference Adaptive Control for Aerial Manipulation // Proc of 2013 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
2013. 966-973 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

20. Orsag, Matko; Korpela, Christopher; Pekala, Miles; Oh, Paul.
Stability control in aerial manipulation // In Proc. of American Control Conference (ACC), 2013.
IEEE, 2013. 5581-5586 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

21. Orsag, Matko; Korpela, Christopher; Oh, Paul.
Modeling and Control of MM-UAV: Mobile Manipulating Unmanned Aerial Vehicle // Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'12) , Jun, 2012.
(international peer-review,published,scientific).

22. Korpela, Christopher; Orsag, Matko; Danko, Todd; Kobe, B.; McNeil, C.; Pisch, R.; Oh, Paul.
Flight stability in aerial redundant manipulators // Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference of Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
3529-3530 (international peer-review,published,scientific).

23. Ćesić, Josip; Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Spincopter wing design and flight control // Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'12) , Jun, 2012.
Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2012. (international peer-review,published,scientific).

24. Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan; Haus, Tomislav; Bunic, Marko; Krnjak, Antonio.
Modeling, Simulation and Control of Spincopter // Proc. of International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
2011. 2998-3003 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

25. Kovačić, Zdenko; Balać, Borislav; Flegarić, Stjepan; Brkić, Kristijan; Orsag, Matko.
Light-weight Mobile Robot for Hydrodynamic Treatment of Concrete and Metal Surfaces // Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry CARPI 2010.
IEEE, 2010. (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

26. Orsag, Matko; Poropat, Marina; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Hybrid fly-by-wire quadrotor controller // Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics.
2010. 202-207 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

27. Orsag, Matko; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Hybrid Control of Quadrotor // Proc. of MED 2009.
2009. 1239-1244 (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific).

  • Other refereed conference papers

1. Orsag, Matko; Kovačić, Zdenko; Flegarić, Stjepan; Brkić, Kristijan; Balać, Boris; Ante, Mamić.
Autonomous Mobile Robots For Deep And Shallow Hydrodynamic Treatment Of Concrete And Metal Surfaces // .
2014. 1012.1-1012.6 (poster,international peer-review,published).

2. Orsag, Matko; Varga, Maja; Bogdan, Stjepan.
Quadrotor control based on AHRS system // .
(lecture,domestic peer-review,published).

  • Unpublished papers

1. Balać, Borislav; Flegarić, Stjepan; Brkić, Kristijan; Orsag, Matko; Kovačić, Zdenko.
Autonomous robots for hydrodynamic treatment of concrete and metal surfaces - series R Jet - 06 // Innovations MIPRO-INOVA / Radić, Goran, editor(s).
Rijeka : MIPRO, 2012. 19-23 (lecture,ppt presentation,expert).

  • Graduation thesis

1. Orsag, Matko.
Hybrid control of quadrotor / pre-Bologna graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 10.07. 2008, 50 pages. Mentor: Bogdan, Stjepan.

  • Other papers

1. Varga, Maja; Orsag, Matko; Dogan, Mario.
Quadrotor control based on AHRS, 2007.

  • Mentoring

1. Juričan, Fran.
Path Planning for Multiple Degrees of Freedom Robots Aimed for Tasks of Painting / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 12.07. 2018, 47 pages. Mentor: Kovačić, Zdenko.

2. Kulaš, Matko.
Drawing on board with hybrid force control and trajectory with jerk control / graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 21.02. 2018, 50 pages. Mentor: Kovačić, Zdenko.

3. Oštrić, Toni.
ROS-based Control of Robot Joints via CAN Bus / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 07.07. 2017, 26 pages. Mentor: Kovačić, Zdenko.

4. Katarina Borovina.
Multirotor UAV moving mass controller / graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 04.03. 2016, 94 pages. Mentor: STJEPAN BOGDAN.

5. Bruno Marić.
Multirotor aerial vehicle control based on changable rotational planes / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 06.07. 2015., 71 pages. Mentor: Stjepan Bogdan.

6. Nikola Prkut.
Mathematical model of multirotor UAV with changeable centre of mass / graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 13.07 2015, 66 pages. Mentor: STJEPAN BOGDAN.

7. Antun Ivanović.
Kinect based UAV control / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
ZAGREB : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 09.07. 2013, 27 pages. Mentor: STJEPAN BOGDAN.

8. Marko Car.
Voice control of UAV / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
ZAGREB : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 09.07. 2013, 25 pages. Mentor: STJEPAN BOGDAN.

9. Tomislav Haus.
Implementation of Spincopter flight control algorithms / pre-Bologna graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet Elektrotehnike i Računarstva, 10.07. 2012, 75 pages. Mentor: Bogdan, Stjepan.

10. Ćesić, Josip.
Analysis of aerodynamics and control of spincopter / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i racunarstva, 27.06. 2011, 50 pages. Mentor: Stjepan Bogdan.

11. Goricanec, Jurica.
Software application for control of spincopter / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 27.06. 2011, 50 pages. Mentor: Bogdan, Stjepan.

12. Bunic, Marko.
Plug-in module for Matlab support of X-Plane / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i racunarstva, 16.07. 2010, 50 pages. Mentor: Stjepan Bogdan.

13. Haus, Tomislav.
Modeling of gyro-like aircraft in X-Plane / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i racunarstva, 16.07. 2010, 50 pages. Mentor: Stjepan Bogdan.

14. Krnjak, Antonio.
Autopilot design and plug-in development for X-Plane / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i racunarstva, 16.07. 2010, 50 pages. Mentor: Stjepan Bogdan.

15. Namlić, Dijana.
LQR conntrol of RC blimp / graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i racunarstva, 14.07. 2010, 50 pages. Mentor: Bogdan, Stjepan.

16. Fućek, Ivan.
UAV 3D localization based on 2D image / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i racunarstva, 17.07. 2009, 50 pages. Mentor: Bogdan, Stjepan.

17. Poropat, Marina.
LQR control of quadrotor / pre-Bologna graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i racunarstva, 20.10. 2009, 50 pages. Mentor: Bogdan, Stjepan.

18. Namlić, Dijana.
Nonlinear mathematical model of Zeppelin type blimp / baccalaureus graduate thesis.
Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 11.07. 2008., 40 pages. Mentor: Bogdan, Stjepan.