Project name: Autonomous System for Assessment and Prediction of Infrastructure          Integrity
Project acronym: ASAP
Dates: 20.12.2019 - 19.12.2022
Total budget: 7.199.141,25 HRK
Funding: ESI ERDF - European Regional Development Fund
Website: N/A


In order to ensure a more rational, planned maintenance of transport infrastructure and to minimize the risk of catastrophic consequences of the demolition of buildings, it is necessary to develop innovative solutions in the field of maintenance of transport infrastructure buildings. The aim of the ASAP project is to develop a system for autonomous inspection and prediction of the integrity of transport infrastructure, as part of intelligent transport systems and logistics for road and rail infrastructure maintenance, monitoring and management.

The system involves the autonomous conduct of experimental testing of materials and construction using robots and UAVs, real-time wireless data acquisition, and then post-process integration of experimental test results and numerical models to estimate the service life and residual load-carrying capacity of the structures, and store the data in a large database for end users.

The shortcomings of the current, classic inspection of transport infrastructure structures are the challenge and motivation for developing an autonomous inspection system for transport infrastructure buildings. In order to develop the system as a product of high added value and knowledge-based services, it is necessary to bring together three interdisciplinary expert groups and to develop three aspects of the ASAP system:

  • Protocol for the fast and efficient assessment of the condition of materials and structures and the prediction of useful lifespan and the assessment of the load-bearing capacity of structures, developed by the Faculty of Civil Engineering, which becomes a certified ASAP training program for training road construction examiners infrastructure;
  • A conceptual prototype of an autonomous robotic material and construction test system based on a robot and an unmanned aerial vehicle, developed in collaboration with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing;
  • Collection of test data and model connectivity and storage in a format accessible to transport infrastructure managers, developed by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, with the concept of an alarm system for national safety authorities, if during a particular time period there is no response from the transport infrastructure manager which endangers the safety of road users.

The project coordinator is the Faculty of Civil Engineering (UNIZG-GF) and project partners are the Faculty of Electrical Enginerring and Computing (UNIZG-FER) and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (UNIZG-FSB).

Christmas robot party

The Advent fever did not bypass the robots and drones that occupied the Maksimir Center for Culture and Information at Švarcova 18 on Wednesday, December 22, from 1 pm to 8 pm, and served visitors hot drinks and Christmas treats!

Our lab members introduced visitors to robots Franka, Pepper, Kinova, and Schunk in the Advent house in front of the Center who rolled up their sleeves to warm the visitors in these cold days and brighten the upcoming holidays.

Robots prepared and served hot drinks and Christmas treats, and at the same time in front of the Center, there were presentations of robots intended for primary and secondary school students where they learned firsthand how robots can communicate with plants and learn how to fly drones.

Pupils could also drive robots and make a 2D map or find out how artificial intelligence can warn us in a cheap and environmentally friendly way about the quality of air, soil, and water in our environment. They also learned how robots and plants communicate with each other and how a 3D model of a building model can be made with a drone.

Four parallel workshops were conducted during the entire day: LIDAR workshop, WatchPlant workshop, ASAP/ENCORE workshop, HEKTOR workshop.

More photos from the event are available in the gallery.

Author: Barbara Arbanas Pascoal Ferreira
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