Project name: ENergy aware BIM Cloud Platform in a COst-effective Building REnovation Context - ENCORE
Project acronym: ENCORE
Dates: 01.01.2019 - 30.06.2022
Total budget: 5.562.382,50 EUR
Funding: EC Horizon 2020
Grant Agreement Number: 820434
Website: encorebim.eu


The main objective of ENCORE is to increase the share of renovated stock in Europe and worldwide by providing effective and affordable BIM tools that cover the whole renovation life-cycle (from data collection to project execution, and commissioning/delivery). ENCORE will also provide mechanisms for the dwellers or owners to validate the project, either on-site with Augmented/Mixed Reality solutions, or on-line. Once the project is validated, ENCORE will automatically generate the work planning for the construction works, and once finalized, ENCORE will provide continuous monitoring of the energy consumption to ensure the non-degradation of the renovation works.

The 2021 IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems (ICUAS 2021) was held from June 15th to 18th 2021 in Athens, Greece. ICUAS 2021 is an international conference sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) and the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS).

LARICS' PhD student Robert Milijas presented a research paper in person. The paper is titled:

R. Milijas, L. Markovic, A. Ivanovic, F. Petric and S. Bogdan, "A Comparison of LiDAR-based SLAM Systems for Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles".

DOI: 10.1109/ICUAS51884.2021.9476802


Author: Robert Milijaš
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