Project Name: Magnetic Field Based UAV Navigation for Visual Inspection of Power Lines
Project Acronym: NaLMaVID
Dates: 01.03.2024. – 28.02.2025.
Total budget: 65.847,22 EUR
Funding: NPOO – 2021.-2026.
Magnetic Field Based UAV Navigation for Visual Inspection of Power Lines
The goal of the project is to prove the innovative concept of an unmanned aerial vehicle navigation system for the visual inspection of transmission lines based on the magnetic field. It is planned to demonstrate the autonomous control of the drone during a visual inspection, whereby the tracking of power line conductors would be achieved based on the measurement of the strength of the magnetic field generated by the alternating current flowing through them. During the project, the fusion of data on the magnetic field with information from other sensors is also planned, as well as the validation of the proposed methods. The project also includes the activities of searching patent databases, market analysis, and management of the innovation cycle, for which the project partner will be in charge.