Invitation to the interactive lecture...

The Young Professionals Interest Group, the Robotics and Automation Department (RA24) of the Croatian IEEE Section and the Laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems (LARICS, Aerostream project) invite you to an interactive lecture: 
Run the bot in a Docker container 
which will be held by Filip Zorić, mag. ing. from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, on Thursday, November 3, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in hall A-211. 
The lecture is in Croatian, and the expected duration is 60 minutes. The lecture is open to anyone interested, and we especially invite undergraduate and graduate students. To participate, you need to register using the form. The number of places is limited. 
If you want to actively participate in the lecture, please bring your own computer with a charged battery and a Linux operating system. 
Read more information about the lecture and the lecturer in the more detailed content of the notification. 
The idea of ​​the interactive lecture is to familiarize you with the basic concepts of the Docker system for virtualization. The goal of the lecture is to install Docker and perform all the necessary steps to start a simple robot with ROS2. It is necessary to bring your own computer with a charged battery and a Linux operating system to the lecture. 

Author: Milena Jenić
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